
2.5mm Gaming Counter Cutter

Note - this post did use a lot of photos, so just use your imagination...

A long time ago... 

I used a toe nail clipper for clipping the corners of gaming counters (aka "tags"), and I was pretty darn good with it. But over the years after losing hand dexterity  and strength, these were not suitable anymore.   

A search went into action and I found a clipper that is designed for trimming, and or rounding corners on all sorts of craft projects, cards and counters.  I read about it on a site (sorry, I don't remember where) and decided that these were what was needed.

The device:
is correctly known as a "2.5mm Radius Deluxe Corner Rounder Punch Cutter by Oregon Lamination Premium" available online at Amazon for $54.50 with Prime shipping.

Originally, I had bought the 2mm version and liked how it clipped the corners of the smaller 1/2" counters, but on larger counters, it was hardly noticeable. Sent them back (one of the kudos of buying from Amazon) and bought the 2.5mm. Very different, very nice and works well on 1.5" size counters. 

The counters that are clipped:

Here are two 1/2" counters from "Road to Richmond" by SPI from a long time ago. The counter on the left was trimmed with this device, while the counter on the right couldn't pass inspection.

Here are larger counters from "Swashbuckler". They are 5/8's and larger. Which chair would you prefer to sit in at the table? The fresh nice looking one or the rickety one?

This is a whole lot nicer than toe nail clippers for sure.  If I could afford to buy another one of these I would get the 4mm for rounding corners on the card sets that one can buy from various gaming companies.

Yeah not a great photo, but one can see 2 Soviet trucks (from Panzer Blitz, no less) The truck on the left is a Soviet Guards taking part in the victory over Germany. Notice how much nicer it looks with rounded edges. While the one to the right is from a Soviet beet farm that had the commissar shot due to ragged tags showing. 


Now for the bad:
The clippers are not highly rated on Amazon or on you tube videos. The three main problems seem to be #1 - too strong of a return spring, #2 - a weak pivot latch that cracks, and #3 - nothing to stop the handles from being pressed too far down (thereby creating problem #2 causing the pivot latch to crack - catch -22, huh). 

However, this is fixable:
Yes, it is and I can show you how on the #3 problem, thereby hopefully, not leading to #2 and allowing one to keep the strong spring, without being force to change it out.

Here is the fix for the handles:
Here is the fix for the handles:
See the little blue block?  That limits how far the handles can be squeezed, thereby hopefully, keeping the pivot latch from cracking from too strong of a grip and spring. It is aprx 1 and 1/8" long, 3/4" square. 

The top blue insert is removed and 2 holes are drilled. Then using very small screws attached it to the blue insert. I drill each hole at an angle to each other instead of side by side, hopefully to make the holding power stronger. Since the plastic is an oily plastic, there might be a glue that will work, but probably not and definitely not super glue. 

The fix for the broken pivot latch is a bit more work, and requires taken the device apart. Once apart, gluing the broken latch, and drilling a hole to accept a steel pin or small bolt to reinforcement the glue joint. At this time, the spring can be replaced with a weaker one. This fix is well documented in a video that can be found on you-tube...  and right here (and thank you to the original poster - good job):

And two more things:
1) If a counter is not perfectly cut square (90 degree angles), the clipped area will not be rounded as it can't be inserted into the pit. A 3mm or larger might be needed for larger counters. 

2) See those two holes? They hold the anvil of the cutter to the frame.
The holes are a little rugged and the fix from the company is a piece of plastic tape over them.  Being from China, it is not very good clear tape and needs to be replaced.  Easy to do, just be aware of it. 
What I did was cut a piece of card stock the size of the anvil and using double sided tape placed it over the anvil.  Having this makes sliding the counters easier.

Outside of the few problem areas, I have been enjoying having nice corners.  After making new counters for the games I play, I spend the 20 to 30 minutes extra and round the corners to make them "extra nice".  :D


This blog is considered to be a living blog. Changes will be made to it as needed to clarify, correct errors or update with new information.  And I apologize, but this review may contain references to graphics that are no longer on this blog. Long story, but it was Google who removed them.

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