
Notice anything different?

Well, white instead of a dark background, font has changed and made larger.  Maybe this will help folks who need larger print to read better. And for folks who are color-blind, the colors won't disappear into a dark background.  Also, putting back when I can remember the graphics into the correct review.  However, rest assure, I may not remember who gave me permission, but every graphic I use has permissions.  

I do need to state that I don't format for smart phones of any type. Sorry, but since I don't use one, it never entered my mind that people would squint their eyes to read anything so small.  Monitors, laptops, even iPad type should be do-able.  I only use black or color lettering against a white background now, not as many graphics, and honestly, until Blogger does this automatically in reducing text or whatever is needed for those who do use smart phones, I am guessing I am out in the dust.  It's fun being a Luddite, but I do have a new battery power Toro mower!

Still, can't find where Google has put the photos when put into a blog post, but I found most of them on a dvd disc.  Yea for back ups.

And I bet you think I only play HFDGs or LPS. Well, I do branch out to other various designers and companies. And I have a new Compass Game coming Friday, WW1 Air Combat, "Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918" by Greg Smith and I am looking forward to it. 
Update: It came and it is very good and fun!

Lots of good reviews for this game, plus the fact I have been playing his "American Tank Ace" game, even taking it with me to the hospital in August. Nurses thought I was nuts with dice rolling instead of sleeping.  Though I have yet to play a Sherman, I like the M-10 and the M-18 Hellcat tank destroyers too much. Greg provided the two different mats and rules on BGG for the M-10 and M-18. This game is addicting and brutal!!! 
ATA is very well designed, not with a lot of the down in the dirt rules like Patton's Best (yes, I got that one too, still), or like ASL (I really dislike ASL and SL because those who play it, think that is combat - HA!). 
ATA uses a simple system that gives a lot of historical feeling while playing.  I really recommend this game.  And you can get it from "A Gray Rooster Sales LLC" too. If you are overseas, use their Ebay store.

I have most of Greg's games, especially all of his solo games, I just like them. But to be honest, I think the most brutal solo game he has out is "The Hunted: Twilight of the U-Boats, 1943-45".  This was not the "heyday" of the U-Boat, but their ending. 99% of the games out there are just games, however, this game truly makes one wonder why did the young men in the Kriegsmarine become submariners (and hopefully you pronounce this word correctly!).  Errata and rule book for both Compass Games can be found either on Compass Games website or BGG where Greg actively supports all his games. 

There is also a new solo WW1 flying game "Aces of Valor" from Legion. Looks to "one up" on the DVG Leader series.  Rules are here.  
Lots of goodies for those who solo game.

Well, enough on all that.  Time to get off the butt and finish up the last PBG on Waterloo.  Soon.  I've been a house husband far too long with the healing. Doc yelled at me and said, no walking outside, take it easy, take the pain pills (that I am glad to say I am OFF of them! So thank you Miss Oxy for making me feel good, but you and I have to part company.  No wood working, no getting any kind of cuts or scrapes, but I see him on Sept 12 to get cleared and watch out! I got to winterize the house, garage, and the feral cat house.   
Update: I passed the Doc's test, and yes, I got back into walking and wood working. Plus I got my house, garage winterized and working on the new cat house, too.

Take care and if the site doesn't look ok, send me an email or a comment about where it is sucking.  :)


This blog is considered to be a living blog. Changes will be made to it as needed to clarify, correct errors or update with new information.  Also, this is my opinion, right or wrong. And I apologize, but this review may contain references to graphics that are no longer on this blog.


New idea from "Against The Odds" magazine

For years people have been after ATO to sell them just their Pocket Battle Games (if you don't know what these are, here is a link on this blog that yaks about them). Finally the time has come and ATO has listen to us.

UPDATE: Here it is almost a year since ATO began selling these and now more of these PBG packs are available.  Here is the link!

Available now are three different PBG packs for shipping:

1) The Trouble Waters PBG Pack
Comprised of 5 postcard size playing maps with 100 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces, 1 page of rules for each individual game and 1 deck of playing cards. Don't forget the zip lock bag!

2) The Waterloo PBG Pack
This pack is comprised of 4 postcard size playing maps with 80 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces, 1 page of rules for each individual game, 1 page of rules for the campaign game and 1 deck of playing cards. And a zip lock bag to keep it all together.

3) The Peiper PBG Pack
This pack has all 4 postcard size playing maps with 40 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces, 1 page of rules for each individual game, 4 pages of rules for the campaign game, all Charts and tables on 1 card-stock sheet and 1 deck of playing cards. Plus the special ATO zip lock bag (ok, I am joking, it's a regular zip lock bag 😁 ).  

This set I bought, not because I didn't have everything all ready, but wanted to see how well the packs were put together. The packs are very nice. But do me a favor, tell ATO when you buy these where you saw them available (HERE).  Trying to prove a point to ATO.

And if you are a follower of this blog, then you know I like 'em, the PBGs, a lot. 

Right now I got my eyes set on the Waterloo and Trouble Waters, but I have a couple of lawns to mow to get the money.  That will be in a few weeks as I am still under the care of my surgeon for the new left hip replacement I received in August 2023. 

Take care and good gaming. IMHO, you can't go wrong with these PBG packs.


This blog is considered to be a living blog. Changes will be made to it as needed to clarify, correct errors or update with new information.  Also, this is my opinion, right or wrong. And I apologize, but this review may contain references to graphics that are no longer on this blog.